Take control of your
professional development
Become a better educator by developing
your digital & technology skills with
other teachers around the world
Using Mentimeter to Improve Student Engagement in Online Learning
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All tutorials and course materials will be accesible online, giving you the flexibility to learn from anywhere.

Our training experts will provide you with new insights through innovative tutorials with practical hands-on material, customised to your needs.

All courses are designed to increase your exposure as a certified digital teacher, giving you control over your own professional development.

Receive the proper accreditation for your participation. Receiving credits for all your work.

- Get the most out of the technology already available to you.
- Use digital and technology tools to better engage your students through interactive lessons.
- Save time on organisation and admin tasks using digital tools.
- Understand the growing role of phenomena such as Artificial Intelligence, VR/AR and the Blockchain and gain ideas on how they can be applied in schools.
- Acquire the skills needed to further your career as a teacher.
Pricing Plans
- Access an expanding library of hundreds of thousands of pieces of content
- From hundreds of trusted, high quality sources such as Yale, Cambridge University and NASA
- Easily find exactly what you need to deliver your best
- Save, rate and share your favourite content
- Connect with our global community of teachers
$2 | month
- Access to all our 30+ Digital Skills tutorials
- Participate live or watch recordings when it suits you
- Certificates of completion
- Access to videos, learning materials, quizzes & more
- Earn $25 per tutorial
- Certification as a digital instructor
- Designing your course material
- Marketing your course or tutorial among the global TeachPitch community
- Personal coaching sessions to help you achieve better results
- Customer feedback and surveying to build your audience
- 24/7 support
- Connecting you with TeachPitch business partners for more additional income opportunities
- All the benefits of individual membership